Role of Emotional Support and Socio-Cultural Atmosphere on the Experience Caesaran Patients: A Systematic Review
Background: The global maternal mortality rate has increased annually. This study aimed to examine the role of emotional support and the social support theraphy on the experience of emergency caesarean deliveries.
Methods: The narrative study was conducted using scientific journal database sources from PubMed, Proquest, Ebsco, Science Direct, and Google Scholar from 2016 to 2023. After the articles were obtained, they were tabulated using an Excel table. Overall, 184 articles were identified based on the search titles. Ten articles focused on the influence of emotional support on patient experiences, and five articles focused on the influence of sociocultural atmosphere on patient experiences.
Results: The influence of emotional support and the socio-cultural atmosphere on emergency caesarean section patients is one strategy for reducing maternal mortality rates. The poor sociocultural atmosphere regarding cesarean delivery is still a hot issue in the community, and the lack of emotional support from health service providers can cause patient and family approval to be late in agreeing to informed consent for emergency cesarean care, which should be provided immediately.
Conclusion: There is a need for adequate emotional support in the form of empathy, interactive communication, presence and availability, motivation and hope, nonverbal communication, sense of humor, and ambient environment.
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