Interleukin-6 in Seminal Plasmas of Azoospermic and Severe Oligo-Astheno-Teratozoospermic Patients
1. Anawalt BD (2013). Approach to male in-fertility and induction of spermatogene-sis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 98 (9):3532–42.
2. Ford WCL (2010). Comments on the re-lease of the 5th edition of the WHO Laboratory Manual for the Examination and Processing of Human Semen. Asian J Androl, 12 (1) :59-63.
3. Agarwal A, Robo R, Jain N, et al (2014). Ox-idative stress determined through the levels of antioxidant enzymes and the effect of N-acetylcysteine in aluminum phosphide poisoning. Indian J Crit Care Med, 18 (10):666-71.
4. Micillo A, Vassallo MRC, Cordeschi G, et al (2016). Semen leukocytes and oxida-tive‐dependent DNA damage of sper-matozoa in male partners of subfertile couples with no symptoms of genital tract infection. Andrology, 4 (5):808–15.
5. Martínez P, Proverbio F, Camejo MI (2007). Sperm lipid peroxidation and pro‐inflammatory cytokines. Asian J Androl, 9 (1) :102–7.
6. Perdichizzi A, Nicoletti F, La Vignera S, et al (2007). Effects of Tumour Necrosis Factor-α on Human Sperm Motility and Apoptosis. J Clin Immunol, 27(2):152-62.
7. Camejo MI, Segnini A, Proverbio F (2001). Interleukin-6 (IL-6) in seminal plasma of infertile men, and lipid peroxidation of their sperm. Arch Androl, 47 (2):97–101.
8. Hajeer AH, Hutchinson IV (2001). Influence of TNFα gene polymorphisms on TNFα production and disease. Hum Immunol, 62 (11):1191–9.
9. Havrylyuk A, Chopyak V, Boyko Y, et al (2015). Cytokines in the blood and se-men of infertile patients. Cent Eur J Im-munol, 40 (3):337–44.
10. Fraczek M, Kurpisz M (2015). Cytokines in the male reproductive tract and their role in infertility disorders. J Reprod Im-munol, 108:98–104.
11. Djourabchi Borojerdi AS, Welchowski T, Peng W, et al (2020). Human spermato-zoa of male patients with subfertility express the interleukin‐6 receptor. An-drologia, 52 (4): e13511.
12. Organization WH (2021). WHO laboratory manual for the examination and pro-cessing of human semen. 5th ed. World Health Organization, Geneva, pp.: 1-100.
13. Mirmiran P, Esfahani FH, Mehrabi Y, et al (2010). Reliability and relative validity of an FFQ for nutrients in the Tehran lipid and glucose study. Public Health Nutr, 13 (5):654–62.
14. Bauman A, Ainsworth BE, Bull F, et al (2009). Progress and pitfalls in the use of the International Physical Activity Ques-tionnaire (IPAQ) for adult physical ac-tivity surveillance. J Phys Act Health, 6 Suppl 1:S5-8.
15. Ainsworth BE, Haskell WL, Whitt MC, et al (2000) Compendium of physical activi-ties: an update of activity codes and MET intensities. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 32 (9 Suppl): S498–504.
16. Babakhanzadeh E, Nazari M, Ghasemifar S, Khodadadian A (2020). Some of the factors involved in male infertility: a prospective review. Int J Gen Med, 13:29–41.
17. Dutta S, Sengupta P, Slama P, et al (2021). Roychoudhury S. Oxidative stress, testic-ular inflammatory pathways, and male reproduction. Int J Mol Sci, 22 (18):10043.
18. Elenkov IJ, Iezzoni DG, Daly A, et al (2005). Cytokine dysregulation, inflam-mation and well-being. Neuroimmunomo-dulation, 12 (5) :255–69.
19. Alves-Silva T, Freitas GA, Húngaro TGR, et al (2021). Interleukin-6 deficiency modu-lates testicular function by increasing the expression of suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3) in mice. Sci Rep, 11 (1) : 11456.
20. Zhang H, Yin Y, Wang G, et al (2014). In-terleukin-6 disrupts blood-testis barrier through inhibiting protein degradation or activating phosphorylated ERK in Sertoli cells. Sci Rep, 4:4260.
21. Tsigos C, Papanicolaou DA, Kyrou I, et al (1999). Dose-dependent effects of re-combinant human interleukin-6, on the pituitary-testicular axis. J Interferon Cyto-kine Res, 19 (11):1271–6.
22. Camejo MI, Abdala L, Vivas-Acevedo G, et al (2011). Selenium, copper and zinc in seminal plasma of men with varicocele, relationship with seminal parameters. Biol Trace Elem Res, 143:1247–54.
23. Hussein MR, Abou-Deif ES, Bedaiwy MA, et al (2005). Phenotypic characterization of the immune and mast cell infiltrates in the human testis shows normal and abnormal spermatogenesis. Fertil Steril, 83 (5):1447–53.
24. Kamimura D, Ishihara K, Hirano T (2003). IL-6 signal transduction and its physio-logical roles: the signal orchestration model. Rev Physiol Biochem Pharmacol, 149:1–38.
25. Pérez C V, Theas MS, Jacobo P V, et al (2013). Dual role of immune cells in the testis: Protective or pathogenic for germ cells? Spermatogenesis, 3 (1): e23870.
26. Cabrita E, Robles V, Herráez P (2008). Sperm quality assessment. In: Methods in Reproductive Aquaculture. CRC press, p. 115–70.
27. Bromfield JJ (2016). A role for seminal plasma in modulating pregnancy out-comes in domestic species. Reproduction, 152 (6): R223–32.
28. Kameni SL, Meutchieye F, Ngoula F (2021). Liquid storage of ram semen: associated damages and improvement. Open J Anim Sci, 11 (3):473–500.
29. Nederlof I, Meuleman T, van der Hoorn MLP, et al (2017). The seed to success: The role of seminal plasma in pregnan-cy. J Reprod Immunol, 123 :24–8.
30. Pantos K, Grigoriadis S, Maziotis E, et al (2022). The role of interleukins in recur-rent implantation failure: a comprehen-sive review of the literature. Int J Mol Sci, 23 (4):2198.
31. Tremellen K (2020). New developments for the enhancement of male reproductive health using antioxidant therapy: a criti-cal review of the literature. Male Infertility: Contemporary Clinical Approaches, Andrology, ART and Antioxidants, 553–67.
32. Sikka SC (2001). Relative impact of oxida-tive stress on male reproductive func-tion. Curr Med Chem, 8 (7):851–62.
33. Pasqualotto FF, Sharma RK, Nelson DR, et al (2000). Relationship between oxidative stress, semen characteristics, and clinical diagnosis in men undergoing infertility investigation. Fertil Steril, 73 (3):459–64.
34. Hayden RP, Flannigan R, Schlegel PN (2018). The role of lifestyle in male in-fertility: diet, physical activity, and body habitus. Curr Urol Rep, 19(7):56.
35. Aude-Marie F, Céline F, Chantal J, et al (2019). Sedentary behavior, physical in-activity and body composition in rela-tion to idiopathic infertility among men and women. PLoS One, 14(4):e0210770.
36. Vaamonde D, Da Silva-Grigoletto ME, García-Manso JM, et al (2012). Physically active men show better semen parame-ters and hormone values than sedentary men. Eur J Appl Physiol, 112:3267–73.
37. Hotamisligil GS (2006). Inflammation and metabolic disorders. Nature, 444 (7121):860–7.
38. Hofny ERM, Ali ME, Abdel-Hafez HZ, et al (2010). Semen parameters and hormonal profile in obese fertile and infertile males. Fertil Steril, 94 (2):581–4.
39. Abed A, Jarad A (2014). Significance of some trace elements in semen of infer-tile men. Ibnosina J Med BS, 6(3):145-151
40. Albani E, Castellano S, Gurrieri B, et al (2019). Male age: negative impact on sperm DNA fragmentation. Aging (Alba-ny NY), 11 (9) :2749-2761.
41. Vega‐Trejo R, Fox RJ, Iglesias‐Carrasco M, et al (2019). The effects of male age, sperm age and mating history on ejacu-late senescence. Funct Ecol, 33 (7):1267–79.
42. Stone BA, Alex A, Werlin LB, et al (2013). Age thresholds for changes in semen parameters in men. Fertil Steril, 100 (4):952–8.
43. Dain L, Auslander R, Dirnfeld M (2011). The effect of paternal age on assisted reproduction outcome. Fertil Steril, 95 (1):1–8.
44. Johnson L, Grumbles JS, Bagheri A, et al (1990). Increased germ cell degeneration during postprophase of meiosis is relat-ed to increased serum follicle-stimulating hormone concentrations and reduced daily sperm production in aged men. Biol Reprod, 42 (2) :281–7.
45. Barouki R (2006). Stress oxydant et vieillis-sement. Med Sci (Paris), 22 (3) :266–72.
2. Ford WCL (2010). Comments on the re-lease of the 5th edition of the WHO Laboratory Manual for the Examination and Processing of Human Semen. Asian J Androl, 12 (1) :59-63.
3. Agarwal A, Robo R, Jain N, et al (2014). Ox-idative stress determined through the levels of antioxidant enzymes and the effect of N-acetylcysteine in aluminum phosphide poisoning. Indian J Crit Care Med, 18 (10):666-71.
4. Micillo A, Vassallo MRC, Cordeschi G, et al (2016). Semen leukocytes and oxida-tive‐dependent DNA damage of sper-matozoa in male partners of subfertile couples with no symptoms of genital tract infection. Andrology, 4 (5):808–15.
5. Martínez P, Proverbio F, Camejo MI (2007). Sperm lipid peroxidation and pro‐inflammatory cytokines. Asian J Androl, 9 (1) :102–7.
6. Perdichizzi A, Nicoletti F, La Vignera S, et al (2007). Effects of Tumour Necrosis Factor-α on Human Sperm Motility and Apoptosis. J Clin Immunol, 27(2):152-62.
7. Camejo MI, Segnini A, Proverbio F (2001). Interleukin-6 (IL-6) in seminal plasma of infertile men, and lipid peroxidation of their sperm. Arch Androl, 47 (2):97–101.
8. Hajeer AH, Hutchinson IV (2001). Influence of TNFα gene polymorphisms on TNFα production and disease. Hum Immunol, 62 (11):1191–9.
9. Havrylyuk A, Chopyak V, Boyko Y, et al (2015). Cytokines in the blood and se-men of infertile patients. Cent Eur J Im-munol, 40 (3):337–44.
10. Fraczek M, Kurpisz M (2015). Cytokines in the male reproductive tract and their role in infertility disorders. J Reprod Im-munol, 108:98–104.
11. Djourabchi Borojerdi AS, Welchowski T, Peng W, et al (2020). Human spermato-zoa of male patients with subfertility express the interleukin‐6 receptor. An-drologia, 52 (4): e13511.
12. Organization WH (2021). WHO laboratory manual for the examination and pro-cessing of human semen. 5th ed. World Health Organization, Geneva, pp.: 1-100.
13. Mirmiran P, Esfahani FH, Mehrabi Y, et al (2010). Reliability and relative validity of an FFQ for nutrients in the Tehran lipid and glucose study. Public Health Nutr, 13 (5):654–62.
14. Bauman A, Ainsworth BE, Bull F, et al (2009). Progress and pitfalls in the use of the International Physical Activity Ques-tionnaire (IPAQ) for adult physical ac-tivity surveillance. J Phys Act Health, 6 Suppl 1:S5-8.
15. Ainsworth BE, Haskell WL, Whitt MC, et al (2000) Compendium of physical activi-ties: an update of activity codes and MET intensities. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 32 (9 Suppl): S498–504.
16. Babakhanzadeh E, Nazari M, Ghasemifar S, Khodadadian A (2020). Some of the factors involved in male infertility: a prospective review. Int J Gen Med, 13:29–41.
17. Dutta S, Sengupta P, Slama P, et al (2021). Roychoudhury S. Oxidative stress, testic-ular inflammatory pathways, and male reproduction. Int J Mol Sci, 22 (18):10043.
18. Elenkov IJ, Iezzoni DG, Daly A, et al (2005). Cytokine dysregulation, inflam-mation and well-being. Neuroimmunomo-dulation, 12 (5) :255–69.
19. Alves-Silva T, Freitas GA, Húngaro TGR, et al (2021). Interleukin-6 deficiency modu-lates testicular function by increasing the expression of suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3) in mice. Sci Rep, 11 (1) : 11456.
20. Zhang H, Yin Y, Wang G, et al (2014). In-terleukin-6 disrupts blood-testis barrier through inhibiting protein degradation or activating phosphorylated ERK in Sertoli cells. Sci Rep, 4:4260.
21. Tsigos C, Papanicolaou DA, Kyrou I, et al (1999). Dose-dependent effects of re-combinant human interleukin-6, on the pituitary-testicular axis. J Interferon Cyto-kine Res, 19 (11):1271–6.
22. Camejo MI, Abdala L, Vivas-Acevedo G, et al (2011). Selenium, copper and zinc in seminal plasma of men with varicocele, relationship with seminal parameters. Biol Trace Elem Res, 143:1247–54.
23. Hussein MR, Abou-Deif ES, Bedaiwy MA, et al (2005). Phenotypic characterization of the immune and mast cell infiltrates in the human testis shows normal and abnormal spermatogenesis. Fertil Steril, 83 (5):1447–53.
24. Kamimura D, Ishihara K, Hirano T (2003). IL-6 signal transduction and its physio-logical roles: the signal orchestration model. Rev Physiol Biochem Pharmacol, 149:1–38.
25. Pérez C V, Theas MS, Jacobo P V, et al (2013). Dual role of immune cells in the testis: Protective or pathogenic for germ cells? Spermatogenesis, 3 (1): e23870.
26. Cabrita E, Robles V, Herráez P (2008). Sperm quality assessment. In: Methods in Reproductive Aquaculture. CRC press, p. 115–70.
27. Bromfield JJ (2016). A role for seminal plasma in modulating pregnancy out-comes in domestic species. Reproduction, 152 (6): R223–32.
28. Kameni SL, Meutchieye F, Ngoula F (2021). Liquid storage of ram semen: associated damages and improvement. Open J Anim Sci, 11 (3):473–500.
29. Nederlof I, Meuleman T, van der Hoorn MLP, et al (2017). The seed to success: The role of seminal plasma in pregnan-cy. J Reprod Immunol, 123 :24–8.
30. Pantos K, Grigoriadis S, Maziotis E, et al (2022). The role of interleukins in recur-rent implantation failure: a comprehen-sive review of the literature. Int J Mol Sci, 23 (4):2198.
31. Tremellen K (2020). New developments for the enhancement of male reproductive health using antioxidant therapy: a criti-cal review of the literature. Male Infertility: Contemporary Clinical Approaches, Andrology, ART and Antioxidants, 553–67.
32. Sikka SC (2001). Relative impact of oxida-tive stress on male reproductive func-tion. Curr Med Chem, 8 (7):851–62.
33. Pasqualotto FF, Sharma RK, Nelson DR, et al (2000). Relationship between oxidative stress, semen characteristics, and clinical diagnosis in men undergoing infertility investigation. Fertil Steril, 73 (3):459–64.
34. Hayden RP, Flannigan R, Schlegel PN (2018). The role of lifestyle in male in-fertility: diet, physical activity, and body habitus. Curr Urol Rep, 19(7):56.
35. Aude-Marie F, Céline F, Chantal J, et al (2019). Sedentary behavior, physical in-activity and body composition in rela-tion to idiopathic infertility among men and women. PLoS One, 14(4):e0210770.
36. Vaamonde D, Da Silva-Grigoletto ME, García-Manso JM, et al (2012). Physically active men show better semen parame-ters and hormone values than sedentary men. Eur J Appl Physiol, 112:3267–73.
37. Hotamisligil GS (2006). Inflammation and metabolic disorders. Nature, 444 (7121):860–7.
38. Hofny ERM, Ali ME, Abdel-Hafez HZ, et al (2010). Semen parameters and hormonal profile in obese fertile and infertile males. Fertil Steril, 94 (2):581–4.
39. Abed A, Jarad A (2014). Significance of some trace elements in semen of infer-tile men. Ibnosina J Med BS, 6(3):145-151
40. Albani E, Castellano S, Gurrieri B, et al (2019). Male age: negative impact on sperm DNA fragmentation. Aging (Alba-ny NY), 11 (9) :2749-2761.
41. Vega‐Trejo R, Fox RJ, Iglesias‐Carrasco M, et al (2019). The effects of male age, sperm age and mating history on ejacu-late senescence. Funct Ecol, 33 (7):1267–79.
42. Stone BA, Alex A, Werlin LB, et al (2013). Age thresholds for changes in semen parameters in men. Fertil Steril, 100 (4):952–8.
43. Dain L, Auslander R, Dirnfeld M (2011). The effect of paternal age on assisted reproduction outcome. Fertil Steril, 95 (1):1–8.
44. Johnson L, Grumbles JS, Bagheri A, et al (1990). Increased germ cell degeneration during postprophase of meiosis is relat-ed to increased serum follicle-stimulating hormone concentrations and reduced daily sperm production in aged men. Biol Reprod, 42 (2) :281–7.
45. Barouki R (2006). Stress oxydant et vieillis-sement. Med Sci (Paris), 22 (3) :266–72.
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Male infertility Interleukin-6 Seminal plasma Azoospermia Ligo-astheno-teratozoospermia |
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How to Cite
Azil S, Mbaye M, Jelloul H, Benkhalifa M, Louanjli N, Ghazi B. Interleukin-6 in Seminal Plasmas of Azoospermic and Severe Oligo-Astheno-Teratozoospermic Patients. Iran J Public Health. 2025;54(3):624-633.