Family-Centered Education for Older Adults with Hypertension: A Scoping Review
Background: Older adults are the most hypertensive population compared to other age groups. The purpose of this study was to determine an education model involving the family and the outcomes of the program.
Methods: Studies conducted in 2023. The search terms "Aged or Older Adult or Elderly and Family-centered or Family Nursing and Hypertension or High Blood Pressure" were used to conduct a scoping review in the journals PROQUEST, SCOPUS, MEDLINE, COCHRANE, and PubMed until 2022. The flowchart for the PRISMA Scoping review shows the search and selection procedure. Tools from the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) for Randomized Controlled Trials and Quasi-Experimental Studies are used to critically evaluate a few chosen papers.
Results: There were 11 articles found out of 2,355 articles in the search results. To increase perceived threat, self-efficacy, and self-confidence, the family-involved education intervention is implemented in phases. Knowledge, family involvement, blood pressure, cholesterol, uric acid, quality of life, and behavioral changes were among the outcomes that were evaluated.
Conclusion: Education involving families of the elderly with hypertension can affect a decrease in blood pressure, an increase in self-efficacy and good behavioral change, an increase in self-esteem, improved life quality, and family empowerment.Older adults
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Older adults Hypertension Family-centered Scoping review |
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