Sensory Deprivation in the Elderly Population of the Republic of Serbia: Sociodemographic Factors as Key to Understanding Sensory Challenges
Background: Sensory impairments, notably hearing loss (68% in those aged 70+) and vision loss (24%-50%), are prevalent in older individuals. We investigated the correlation between visual and hearing impairments in older adults, considering sociodemographic factors, mental health, and social support.
Methods: The study is part of The Serbian 2019 National Health Survey, conducted in 2019. Questionnaires were used as the research tool, following the methodology of the European Health Survey. Multivariable logistic regression was used to assess predictors of visual and hearing impairments.
Results: Findings revealed a higher prevalence of vision difficulties among women (P< 0.001) and a significant reduction in reported vision issues with increased social support (P< 0.001). Higher education, particularly at the doctoral level, demonstrated a strong protective effect against hearing difficulties (P< 0.001).
Conclusion: Education at the doctoral level provides significant protection against sensory difficulties, especially in the case of hearing loss, while a high level of social support positively influences the reduction of vision-related problems. Further research is necessary for a better understanding of relationships and the development of effective support strategies for the elderly population with vision and hearing impairments.
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Issue | Vol 53 No 12 (2024) | |
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Sensory limitations Functional limitations Vision loss Hearing loss Aging |
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