Original Article

Factors Influencing the Subjective Health and Physical Fitness Perceptions of Korean Adolescents


Background: Adolescence is an important period of growth and development. We aimed to analyz the factors affecting the subjective health and physical fitness perceptions of Korean adolescents.

Methods: This cross-sectional study used data from 2,599 Korean adolescents who participated in the Korea National Life and Sports Surveys during 2020-2022, along with secondary data analysis. The study included frequency analysis of the demographic variables and chi-square tests to examine the relationship between the variables and subjective health and fitness perceptions. Multivariate logistic regression was also used to explore the factors affecting adolescent subjective perceptions.

Results: The study revealed significant factors influencing health perceptions in Korean adolescents, including male gender, lack of regular physical activity, adequate rest, adherence to a consistent diet, and use of nutritional supplements (P<0.05).

Conclusion: Key factors, such as rest, diet, and nutritional supplements should be considered while developing policies that support adolescent health. Unfortunately, there has been a decline in the physical activity of adolescents in Korea. Therefore, a variety of physical activity programs that consider the characteristics of each student need to be developed to address adolescent health issues.

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IssueVol 53 No 4 (2024) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/ijph.v53i4.15564
Adolescents Physical fitness perceptions Subjective health

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How to Cite
Kwon J, Kwon YT. Factors Influencing the Subjective Health and Physical Fitness Perceptions of Korean Adolescents. Iran J Public Health. 2024;53(4):878-887.