Assessment of the Effect of Community-Based Health Insurance Scheme on Health-Related Outcomes in Ethiopia: A Systematic Review
Background: We aimed to review the effect of community-based health insurance on health-related outcomes in Ethiopia.
Methods: A systematic review was undertaken utilizing a major relevant published literature review from September 2017 to June 15, 2023. PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Science Direct, Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar, EMBASE, ProQuest, Hinari, and the Cochrane Library were used to search for relevant literature. Moreover, the Prisma flow model was used to select eligible findings.
Results: Overall, 72% of the articles employed cross-sectional comparative study designs and procedures, and 36% of them employed samples ranging in size from 501 to 1000 participants. Furthermore, 76% were studied using descriptive statistics and logistic regression, whereas fewer utilized a random model, a probity model, or a correlation model. Similarly, 32% of the research used two-stage stratified sampling methods, and around 40% of the data revealed that the scheme increased healthcare utilization services. About 72 % of the reviewed study results showed that the scheme reduced catastrophic health expenditure and increases utilization of healthcare services. And the 20% reviewed studies stated that the CBHI boosts household satisfaction level. Moreover 12% of the reviewed studies stated that, CBHI increased QoL (quality of life).
Conclusion: Most of the studies provide evidence of the positive effect of CBHI in Ethiopia. Mainly, its membership improved the utilization of health services and decreased the incidence of catastrophic health expenditures. Thus, all actors should cooperate to strengthen it to solve the effective attribute of the deprived value of health care and continuity of care delivery system related to the country's new policy.
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Community-based health insurance scheme Health-related outcomes Systematic review Ethiopia |
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