Accreditation Modules According to Hospital Types: A Scoping Review
Background: One of the upcoming challenges in hospital accreditation is using the same and similar standards for all types of hospitals in size and type of activity. We aimed to identify the accreditation modules for all types of hospitals in size (small hospitals) and type of activity (special hospitals).
Methods: This research was conducted as a scoping review from Mar to May 2023. "Arsky and O'Malley" six-step protocol was used to conduct this study. "Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses" (PRISMA) was used to identify, evaluate, and select research articles. The "framework analysis" method was used to analyze the data.
Results: Of 14 articles, 64% have been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Moreover, 36% of them were accreditation organizations' standards at the national level. The accreditation modules of small hospitals are Responsibilities of Management, Care of Patients, Management of Medication, Patient Safety, Infection Control, Continuous Quality Improvement, Patient Rights and Education, Blood and Blood Products, and Partnering with Consumers. The accreditation modules of special hospitals are Governing Body and Administration, Clinical Management, Prevention and Health, Care and Treatment, Diagnostic Services, Patient Rights, and Quality Improvement.
Conclusion: Identifying the main modules of accreditation for small and special hospitals can help policymakers and hospital managers improve the quality and safety of their hospitals by using appropriate standards and help improve the services provided to patients and increase their satisfaction.
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Issue | Vol 53 No 9 (2024) | |
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Accreditation Hospital bed capacity Special hospital |
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