Review Article

Factors Affecting the Utilization of Preventive Health Services by Middle-Aged Population: A Scoping Review


Background: Access to health care, or ultimately health care utilization, by all groups of population is a critical goal of health systems around the world. Several studies have examined factors affecting preventive health services utilization among middle-aged population none of systematic review exist. Therefore, we aimed to explore the factors affecting the preventive health services utilization by middle-aged population.
Methods: Drawing on PRISMA protocol, this scoping review explored articles in PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Cochran by using combinations of relevant keywords. All studies that have investigated factors affecting health service utilization among middle-aged population (40–60 yrs. old), published from 1990 to 2024, were included. The identified studies were screened and narratively synthesized.
Results: Overall, 3314 articles were retrieved, of which 16 met the inclusion criteria. The factors were categorized into three main groups including personal, institutional and social factors. Such factors as the aboriginal status, ethnicity, age, religious salience, employment status, having chronic disease, disabilities, numeracy skill levels, knowledge regarding the services, housing insecurity, and urbanization of the residence areas affected the preventive health services utilization by middle-aged population.
Conclusion: Various factors appeared to affect the utilization of middle-aged groups from preventive services, which need to be addressed vigorously in an effort towards universal health coverage. Policymakers ought to understand and bring to the fore these correlated factors in their health system as these de facto signify the place on which the potentially effective interventions should focus and target.

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Middle-aged Population Service utilization Preventive health services Scoping review

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How to Cite
Yarifard K, Abdi Z, Jaafaripooyan E. Factors Affecting the Utilization of Preventive Health Services by Middle-Aged Population: A Scoping Review. Iran J Public Health. 2025;54(3):554-566.