Effects of Customized Communication Training on Nonviolent Communication, Nonverbal Communication, and Self-Acceptance: Evidence from Korean Nursing Students
Background: We aimed to investigate the effects of a nonviolent and nonverbal communication and self-acceptance training program among Korean nursing students.
Methods: We enrolled students in nursing departments at three universities in Busan Metropolitan City, South Korea. The students were randomly allocated to the experimental (n = 38) and control groups (n = 36); subsequently, they completed questionnaires before and after training. Data were collected on March 2023. The experimental group was enrolled in a program comprising 390 minutes of lecture, practice, role play, discussion, and reflection in 8-h daily sessions, with a total of eight sessions. The training sought to allow students to understand and practice nonviolent and nonverbal communication. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, chi-square tests, and a paired t-test.
Results: Compared with the control group, the experimental group showed a significant post-intervention improvement in the nonviolent communication scores (t = -2.442, P= 0.020); however, there were no significant between-group differences in the post-intervention nonverbal communication or self-acceptance scores.
Conclusion: Customized communication training programs are required to address communication competencies among medical personnel, including nursing students. Moreover, it is crucial to set standards for communication competency. Specifically, from a long-term perspective, a continuous educational strategy is required to effectively improve the communication capabilities of nursing students in Korea. It is possible to develop training programs that can systematically improve communication competency among nursing students.
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Files | ||
Issue | Vol 52 No 9 (2023) | |
Section | Original Article(s) | |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.18502/ijph.v52i9.13576 | |
Keywords | ||
Communication Nonviolent communication Nonverbal communication Nursing students Self-acceptance |
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