Original Article

Uncovering the Risk of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) in Indonesia


Background: The prevalence of sexually transmitted infections in men who have sex with men (MSM) is higher than in other communities. We aimed to Uncovering the risk of sexually transmitted infections in MSM in Indonesia.
Methods: We adopted a cross-sectional design carried out in 24 provinces in Indonesia from March-May 2023, using secondary data from the 2018-2019 Integrated Biological Behavior Survey (IBBS). The population consisted of MSM who had sex with men totaling 6,000 people. A total of 4,290 samples were selected using Respondent Driven Sampling (RDS). The data obtained were analyzed with chi-square and logistic regression models of risk factors.
Results: The prevalence of STIs in MSM was 20.9%. Marital status, consistency of condom use (P<0.01), how to get condoms (P<0.001), and STIs examination (P<0.001) had a significant association with the incidence of STIs among MSM from 2018 – 2019. Meanwhile, the use of lubricant during sex association had no significant relationship with the incidence of STIs. Vaginal and anal sexual intercourse had a significant relationship with the incidence of STIs, where MSM who CI95% (had their first anal sex between the ages of 25-49 years (P<0.001), AOR=2.26 and vaginal sex at the age of ≥50 years were more at risk of experiencing STIs (P<0.017), AOR=1.33.
Conclusion: Marital status, consistency of condom use, how to get condoms, and STIs examination, vaginal and anal sexual intercourse had a significant association with the incidence of STIs among MSM.

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IssueVol 54 No 3 (2025) QRcode
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Men Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) Sex intercourse Indonesia

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How to Cite
Hasmi H, Safitri Fatiah M, Muttaqin MZ. Uncovering the Risk of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) in Indonesia. Iran J Public Health. 2025;54(3):615-623.