
Compliance with Standard Precautions: A long way ahead


Background: To find out the knowledge, attitude and compliance with standard precautions among doctors working in a terti­ary care hospital.
Methods: The cross sectional study was conducted during October 2006 in the form of self reporting questionnaire. The question­naire included question about duration of clinical experience, Hepatitis B Virus vaccination and its antibody titer, knowl­edge and compliance of Centre for Disease Control (CDC) standard precaution guidelines. They were further asked about reasons for non compliance.
Results: Total 120 doctors participated in this study which includes 60% interns, 34.2% residents and 5.8% consultants. To­tal 95% respondents were vaccinated against Hepatitis B virus but only 27.4% knew their antibody titers.  Majority of the doc­tors, 52.5% didn't know any thing about Centres for Disease Control guideline for standard precautions while 40% of the respondent had some idea and only 7.5% knew them well. Among responders 56.7% changed gloves for each patient and only 39.2% washed hand in between examining patients. Most of the doctors 58.3% said they always wear apron while deal­ing with patients while 20% wear only when dealing with high risk patients. Protective goggles were not used by any of our respondent. The reasons given for non-compliance included non-availability of protective modalities by 58.3% while 20% were of the opinion that it's not practical.
Conclusion: The knowledge attitude and compliance among doctors towards standard precautions is in-adequate. Availabil­ity of supplies and awareness programmes for these standard precautions are recommended for better compliance.

IssueVol 38 No 1 (2009) QRcode
Standard Precautions CDC guidelines Compliance Pakistan

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How to Cite
Jawaid M, Iqbal M, Shahbaz S. Compliance with Standard Precautions: A long way ahead. Iran J Public Health. 1;38(1):85-88.