Investigating the Causes of Neonatal Mortality: An Umbrella Review
Background: Neonatal mortality remains a critical global challenge, with preventable instances prevailing. The initial stride in mitigating neonatal mortality involves elucidating its underlying causes.
Methods: This study utilized an umbrella review approach to discern factors associated with neonatal mortality. Five international databases, namely Pub Med, Web of Science, Scopus, CINAHL, and EMBASE, were meticulously searched to achieve this.
Results: The initial search yielded 12,631 articles using a search strategy centered on keywords related to factors contributing to neonatal mortality. Ultimately, 95 articles met the criteria incorporated into this study.
Conclusion: This study endeavors to identify the primary risk factors contributing to neonatal mortality. The discerned risk factors have been systematically categorized into four groups: maternal factors, neonatal factors, aspects linked to healthcare systems, and socio-economic factors. As such, it is imperative for policymakers to take heed of these identified risk factors and formulate comprehensive strategies encompassing both long-term and short-term initiatives. Effective interventions spanning various sectors are crucial for the prevention of neonatal mortality.
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