
ABO Blood Groups Distribution and Cardiovascular Major Risk Factors in Healthy Population


Background: This study was designed to investigate whether there was an association between ABO blood groups and car­diovascular risk factors in healthy population.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, risk factors screening for cardiovascular disease(CVD) on 5000 healthy persons of Go­lestan Province, northern Iran, in 2005 was estimated by a questionnaire that included age, sex, physical activity, smok­ing status, blood group type (if they had blood laboratory tests), weight, height, blood pressure and family history of coro­nary artery disease (CAD). Data were analyzed with SPSS version 11.5 and by using Chi Square and ANOVA tests. A p-value less than 0.05 were considered as statistically significant.
Results: Amongst 5000 subjects, 2920 had blood laboratory tests and their types of blood group were known. Of the total of 2920, 57.4% were male, 70% were inactive, 14% were smoker, 25% were hypertensive, 23% obese, 21% had family history of CAD and mean age was 41.52±12.317. Blood group O(32.9%), A(30.1%), B(23.3%) and AB(13.7%), respectively had most frequency. Amongst cardiac risk factors, only frequency of family history of CAD in individual with different blood groups was different (P< 0.01) and individual with A blood group reported more family history of CVD versus other blood groups.
Conclusion: Amongst cardiovascular risk factors, only family history of CAD had significant relation with ABO.

IssueVol 38 No 3 (2009) QRcode
ABO blood group cardiovascular risk factors Iran

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How to Cite
Abdollahi A, Qorbani M, Salehi A, Mansourian M. ABO Blood Groups Distribution and Cardiovascular Major Risk Factors in Healthy Population. Iran J Public Health. 1;38(3):123-126.