Socio-Economic Characteristics and Risk Factors Affecting Domestic Violence in Montenegro: A Case-Control Study
Background: Domestic violence is defined as the combined pattern of physical, psychological, economic and/or sexual violence against a family member. Intimate partner violence is the most common form. We aimed to present the basic characteristics of the Montenegrin families and family members affected by domestic violence, with the intent to inform the global mosaic of differences related to cultural specificities.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed using 323 cases judicially processed and officially judged according to Criminal Act from 2015-2017 in Montenegro. Socioeconomic characteristic were investigated followed by analysis of many variables.
Results: Demographic characteristics, socio-economic status, and other characteristics of the perpetrators and the victims, as well as characteristics of violent act with posible risk factors, are presented. The results of case-control analyisis of intimate-partner relationships are given, too.
Conclusion: A typical example of domestic violence in Montenegro shows an intimate couple with a violent male and a victimized female partner, living in a rented residence in the suburbs, with both partners in the fourth decade of their lives. The most frequent income level was poor, with half of the batterers and nearly three quarters of the victims unsatisfied with their marriage. The increased presence of such factors (both modifiable and unmodifiable) in the partiarchical families suffering from domestic violence should spark interest in public health and government authorities regarding domestic violence screening adapted for patriarchical societies.
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Issue | Vol 52 No 6 (2023) | |
Section | Original Article(s) | |
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Domestic violence Intimate partner violence Socio-economic factors Injury Social health |
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