Glia Maturation Factor Beta: A Novel Neuro-Impairment Prediction Factor in Toxoplasmosis
Background: Toxoplasma gondii, a neurotropic protozoan, infects up one to third of the world population. The parasite can invade a wide variety of nucleated cells but preferably glial cells. Glia maturation factor β (GMFβ), a 17KD protein expressed at high levels in the central nervous system is predominantly related to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and Multiple sclerosis. We aimed to determine the expression level of GMFβ and its relation to other pro-inflammatory factors (IL33, SDF1, and CCL2) on T. gondii infected human neuroblastoma cell line.
Methods: The human neuroblastoma (SK_NMC C535) cell line was infected by 5106 (1:1 ratio). The supernatant was collected after cell lysis and centrifugation. Total RNA was extracted using the Yekta Tajhiz RNA extraction kit. cDNA was synthesized based on RevertAid First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit manufacturer`s protocol (Parstous, cDNA synthesis kit, Iran). The specificity of each primer pair (GMFβ, IL33, SDF1, and CCL2) was provided by NCBI BLAST. Gene expression level was measured using Real-Time PCR. All experiments were conducted at the Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, western Iran in 2022.
Results: The GMFβ increased significantly up to 1.35-fold (P=0.007). The increase in GMFβ expression in neuroblastoma cells was consistent with the increase in pro-inflammatory factors (CCL2 (0.47), IL33 (0.152) and, SDF1 (1.33)).
Conclusion: GMFβ upregulation can be a novel indicator of the destruction of nerve cells.
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Issue | Vol 53 No 5 (2024) | |
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Toxoplasma gondii Glia maturation factor Interleukin-33 IL33 Chemokine CCL2 Stromal cell derived factor 1 |
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