
Breastfeeding Practices in Infants in the West Region of Cameroon


Background: The study was conducted to evaluate the knowledge, attitudes and practices of breast-feeding in the West re­gion of Cameroon.
Methods: A cross sectional descriptive study was conducted in two health facilities on 195 mother-infant pairs, seen at the out patient and vaccination units of the Bafoussam Regional Hospital over a period of one month from 1st to 30th Septem­ber 2008. The socio-demographic characteristics of mothers, knowledge on breastfeeding and the practice of breastfeed­ing were studied. Data was analyzed using the SPSS software. The chi square and student t- test were used for com­parison and results considered significant for P< 0.05.
Results: Breastfeeding was practised by 99.48% of the mothers. Only 33.8% of the mothers knew that they had to exclu­sively breastfeed up to 6 months, and 20% effectively breastfed up to 6 months. The mean duration of breastfeeding was 5.06 months and negatively correlated with the number of children and the profession of the mother. In 69.74% of the women, nothing was given to the baby before the first breastfeed. Discontinuation of breastfeeding was done averagely around 15.24 months and earlier in married women and in those with a higher educational level.
Conclusion: Although the majority of parents practised breast feeding, only a minority understood its benefits, so more should be done to educate the community on the benefits of exclusive breast-feeding for up to six months. 


IssueVol 40 No 2 (2011) QRcode
Breastfeeding practices Knowledge Attitudes Cameroon

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How to Cite
Chiabi A, Kamga B, Mah E, Nguefack S, Fokam P, Tafen W, Tchokoteu P. Breastfeeding Practices in Infants in the West Region of Cameroon. Iran J Public Health. 1;40(2):11-17.