Knowledge, Awareness and Perception towards Thyroid Cancer in General Population: A Systematic Review
Background: A good perception of disease risk can help patients adopt correct preventive behaviors and good adherence to treatment. We examined knowledge, awareness, and perception towards thyroid cancer (TC) by a systematic analysis of published literature.
Methods: Four databases, including PubMed, Medline, Embase, and Web of science were searched using relevant keywords for papers prior to June 30, 2022. The levels of knowledge, awareness, and perception about TC, as well as risk factors, clinical signs, and sources of health were narratively synthesized.
Results: Ten papers were finally included in this study for analysis. Despite relative good awareness, both the general population and medical students have relatively poor levels of knowledge and perception of TC and risk factors. The results of most studies showed that less than half of the participants had good knowledge about TC and its risk factors. Most participants are increasingly turning to the Internet and social media to obtain information about TC. This study also indicated that poor levels of knowledge regarding TC were strongly related to educational attainment and type of participants.
Conclusion: The findings of this paper provide valuable information for intervention providers to prevent and control of TC and encourage them to carry out health promotion campaigns to enhance knowledge and awareness of TC.
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Issue | Vol 52 No 2 (2023) | |
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Thyroid cancer Risk factor Awareness Risk perception Knowledge |
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