The Influence of Sociodemographic Factors on the Level of Hope in Women with Breast Cancer
Background: We aimed to determine the level of hope in breast cancer patients along with the influence of sociodemographic characteristics on the expressed level of hope.
Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on the sample size of 72 female patients with breast cancer diagnosis. The study was conducted at the University Clinical Center of Kragujevac, Serbia from November 2020 until March 2022. Data were collected from the patients in a form of the Sociodemographic Variables Questionnaire (Q-SV). The Herth Hope Index (HHI) was used in assessing the level of hope.
Results: The value of the total HHI score was ranging from 14 to 48, whereas the mean value of the HHI score was 40.00±5.92. The significantly higher level of hope was reported in female patients who: searched the Internet for gathering information on their disease (39.24±6.23; P=0.047), were religious (38.77±6.13; P=0.003), believed in God (38.45±5.51; P=0.004), had no formal medical education (38.44±5.75; P=0.036) and after therapy (38.76±6.49; P=0.022).
Conclusion: Hope is an existential internal resource possibly affecting the manner in which female patients perceive their own health state and future as well. A better understanding of the meaning of hope during treatment can be of great value in supporting cancer patients.
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Herth hope index Women Breast cancer Sociodemographic factors |
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