Problems Experienced by the Mothers in Post-Cesarean Period: A Narrative Review
Cesarean delivery rates have been increasing which leads to a rise the problems experienced. After cesarean deliveries important problems for the mother and baby may be seen. The most common problems in the mothers after cesarean delivery are; bleeding, infection, fatigue, sleep disorders, breast problems, self-care issues, and sense of inadequacy in care of the newborn. The method used in this study was narrative review. A literature review was conducted by searching the materials published in databases including Web of Science, PubMed, Google Scholar search engine and, the WHO website. Pain, maternal death, breastfeeding problems, worsened sleep quality and comfort, anxiety, delayed recovery, prolonged hospitalization and infection rates in the cesarean deliveries are higher than in vaginal deliveries. Nurses can facilitate adaptation to the role of motherhood and prevent risky situations by evaluating mothers’ care needs and providing proper interventions and support. Nurses should not only focus on the physical care needs of the mother and baby; they should also ensure the physical and psycho-social adaptation of family members in the face of role changes.
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Issue | Vol 52 No 10 (2023) | |
Section | Review Article(s) | |
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Comfort Comfort theory Post-partum period Post-cesarean period |
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