The Prerequisites of Executing the Accreditation Program for Primary Healthcare: A Systematic Review and Meta-Synthesis
Background: In Iran, the primary healthcare system is the front-line for society's encounter with healthcare. Health planners aim to enhance quality and administer an accreditation program. This study examined program administration prerequisites through systematic review and meta-synthesis.
Methods: We conducted a systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative literature using Thomas and Hudson's framework. Peer-reviewed papers were searched in Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science, Google, and Google Scholar up to 2023.
Results: The search found 1308 articles, with 37 relevant ones selected for review. Data extraction included setting, participants, study design, data collection, analysis, and themes. Thirteen qualitative subthemes were identified and were categorized under three elements of the Donabedian model.
Conclusion: Before implementing a plan, it is crucial to consider its executive prerequisites. Revision and trial-and-error approaches can be costly and time-consuming, potentially hindering the plan's effectiveness and diverting organizations from their primary goal, leading to failure.
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Prerequisites Accreditation Primary healthcare |
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