Original Article

Are Doctors Equally Distributed Throughout the World?


Background: As the vital and scarce resource of the health system, physicians are responsible for treating patients and saving lives and the equitable distribution of physicians among the whole population is a prerequisite to achieving health for all. We aimed to investigate inequality in physician distribution in the world using the Gini coefficient.

Methods: This descriptive-analytical study was conducted in 2021. The number of physicians and the population of countries were obtained from the WHO and United Nations (UN) databases. The Gini coefficient was calculated in three different modes and the distribution of physicians among countries in various Human Development Index (HDI) groups was determined using the physician ratio per 10,000 population.

Results: There were generally more than 13 million doctors in the world. About 43% of the world's physicians were available to 20% of the world's population in very high HDI countries, and 12% of the population had access to about 1% of physicians in low HDI countries. An average of 19.5 physicians are distributed per 10,000 population worldwide. The Gini coefficient between the four groups of HDI countries was 0.55, and that of all countries in the world was 0.640.

Conclusion: There was a shortage and inequality in the distribution of physicians worldwide. Governments should eliminate inequality in the distribution of the medical workforce, in particular physicians, by redoubling their efforts and accurate planning.

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SectionOriginal Article(s)
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/ijph.v53i5.15597
Physicians Doctors Gini coefficient Human development index World countries

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How to Cite
Kharazmi E, Bordbar S, Bordbar N, Tavakolian A. Are Doctors Equally Distributed Throughout the World?. Iran J Public Health. 2024;53(5):1155-1163.