Evaluation of Quality Indicators in Home Health Services Delivery
Background: We aimed to evaluate the quality indicators monitored within the scope of quality standards health.
Methods: In this descriptive study, patients who visited the home health services unit in 2021, were included. Patient age and diagnostic data were obtained from the Basic Health Statistics Module. Other information such as the number of patient visits and nutritional status were obtained from the indicator data collection form followed by the quality management unit of our hospital and from the home health services unit. We included the data of Antalya Training and Research Hospital. Microsoft Excel and SPSS 25.0 program were used in the analysis of the data, and the data obtained were shown as numbers and ratios (%).
Results: When the quality indicators of home health services delivery were examined, the timely response rate of the application was 100%, the nutritional status of all patients was evaluated using the Nutritional Risk Score (NRS-2002) evaluation form at the first patient visit; the patients receiving health care from the home health unit of our hospital visited an average of three times in a year, and the health service from the home health unit was determined: the annual average rate of medical appointments kept with patients who receive medical care at the scheduled time is 83%.
Conclusion: Quality indicators are being met well, and good-quality care services are being delivered in the home health service of the training and research hospitals.
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Files | ||
Issue | Vol 52 No 9 (2023) | |
Section | Original Article(s) | |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.18502/ijph.v52i9.13577 | |
Keywords | ||
Aging Home health care Indicators |
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