Disease-Related Stigma, Stigmatizers, Causes, and Consequences: A Systematic Review
Background: Stigma is a sociological concept that is important in medicine and health because it threatens health as much as the disease itself. We aimed to explore the causes, stigmatizers, consequences and coping strategies related to the stigma of diseases by systematically analyzing relevant literature.
Methods: This systematic review examined 65 articles on Disease-Related Stigma by searching Noormags, Magiran, SID, Google Scholar, and PubMed databases. The articles were published in Persian and English between 2001 and 2022 and conducted in Iran. We used a three-step systematic review process to select articles that met the research criteria.
Results: Conflict in society, lack of knowledge, specific characteristics of the disease, and the contagious nature of disease are the main causes of stigma, leading to stigmatization by different groups such as significant others, generalized others, institutional others, and macro others. Patients experiencing stigma face various psychological, physical, and social complications, and they may use concealment as a coping strategy, which can pose a potential threat to society's general health.
Conclusion: By knowing the causes and stigmatizers of disease-related, it is possible to reduce stigma with less cost and time.
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Issue | Vol 52 No 10 (2023) | |
Section | Review Article(s) | |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.18502/ijph.v52i10.13842 | |
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Causes of stigma Stigmatizers Outcomes of the stigma |
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