Components of Health Surveillance System in Natural Disasters that Affect Military Health Services: A Systematic Review
Background: Military health surveillance system, as the first responder in natural disasters, plays an important role in public health. This study aimed to identify those components of the health surveillance system, which influence military health services in natural disasters.
Methods: Five databases of Medline, SCOPUS, Web of Science, ProQuest, Cochrane Library, and search engines of Scholar Google,,, and were reviewed from Jan 1990 to Jan 2022. Due to the heterogeneity of the included studies, various JBI quality assessment tools were applied and the extracted data were analyzed by meta-synthesis method.
Results: Out of 6538 retrieved studies, after the duplicates and irrelevant studies identified in screening stage were removed, 174 studies extracted from the electronic search of databases and 16 studies retrieved from the manual search of other sources were reviewed based on the study inclusion criteria. Finally, 24 studies with inclusion criteria were selected for data extraction. Ten criteria of monitoring, detecting, data collection and reporting, tracking, type of surveillance system, operational readiness, coordination and interaction, feasibility, flexibility, and acceptability were identified as effective components in the surveillance system of military health services. The identified components were classified into two main categories of structural and operational components.
Conclusion: The structural components of the military health surveillance system describe the important infrastructural features of the health surveillance system to preparing for natural disasters; and the operational components explains the effective functional features of military health surveillance system in response of natural disasters. The results of this study help policymakers in military health services implement a more effective health surveillance system in natural disasters.
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Issue | Vol 52 No 9 (2023) | |
Section | Review Article(s) | |
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Public health surveillance Natural disaster Military health services |
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