Original Article

Hospital Managers' Decision-Making Puzzle


Background: Decision-making is choosing one option from among different options. Most decision-making models were developed in the general industry. Specific decision-making models are needed due to the special nature of the hospital and its services. We aimed to propose and validate a decision-making model for hospital managers.

Methods: This research used the modified Delphi technique to develop and validate a decision-making model for hospital managers. A data collection form was used to collect data. The search of English databases covered the period from 1990 to 2020. The first draft of the model was introduced through a scoping review and semi-structured interviews. Two rounds of Delphi were conducted with 33 experts to verify the proposed model.

Results: Many factors affect the quality and outcome of a hospital manager's decision. The decision- making model developed in this study has 10 constructs grouped into three components (i.e., inputs, processes, and outputs). These constructs include decision maker, decision implementer, organization, client, subject, analysis, identification, evaluation & selection, implementation and control. This model provides a guide for each decision stage and determines the conditions necessary for a good decision.

Conclusion: Using the decision-making puzzle and considering the set of inputs, processes, and outcomes of the decision making together alongside with specifying the details of each decision-making stage make it easy for hospital managers to decide. Such a scientific, objective and systematic approach in decision-making will result in desired results for staff, patients, managers and the hospital. This puzzle is also a good tool for pathology of hospital managers' decisions.

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IssueVol 53 No 4 (2024) QRcode
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DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/ijph.v53i4.15572
Decision-making Managers Hospital Model

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How to Cite
Hayati Y, Mosadeghrad AM, Arab M. Hospital Managers’ Decision-Making Puzzle. Iran J Public Health. 2024;53(4):947-956.