Review Article

Living with a Pandemic: From Psycho-Social Perspectives: A Narrative Review


This narrative review aims to identify psycho-social issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic, especially among vulnerable populations. Through understanding the psychosocial meanings underneath, the suffering from the pandemic and the transformative experiences toward better society could be substantiated. Searching relevant studies and literature on psycho-social impacts in relation to COVID-19 was conducted from psycho-social points of view. Vulnerable populations such as the mentally ill, the poor, refugees, immigrants, the elderly, and other stigmatized groups were focused on. Reflections and plans on the worsened health disparities and increased stresses among vulnerable groups will help our society to be healthier and safer.


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COVID-19 Psycho-social impacts Mental health Vulnerable populations

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How to Cite
Nam S, Lee N, Kim E-Y. Living with a Pandemic: From Psycho-Social Perspectives: A Narrative Review. Iran J Public Health. 2022;51(11):2472-2483.