
Teaching and Learning Pharmaceutical Code of Ethics as a Syllabus


Pharmacy, being a profession which its activities are directly related to the health and wellbeing of the people and soci­ety has been described an ethical profession from earliest time. In the recent decades there has been a shift in the phar­macist role from dispensing to relationship with patients and health care providers and interfere the therapeutic process. Other branches of pharmacy such as producers, distributors and etc. will certainly have the same responsibilities. In this respect, student of pharmacy, besides his professional education needs learning social, behavioral, communicational sciences as well as the principles code of pharmaceutical ethics. Therefore, teaching and learning principles code of ethics seems as an obli­gation. These principles are a guide to the standards of conduct. Furthermore, rapid progress of biotechnology, nanotech­nology and increase cost of new drugs are factors presented the importance of the study of eth­ics in pharmacy. Therefore, setting syllabus in pharmacy law and ethics is a need for undergraduate and even post­graduate students. The code, therefore attempts to define principles to be born in mind. It is the pharmacist who must interpret them in the light of pharmacy prac­tice.

IssueVol 37 No Supple 1 (2008) QRcode
Pharmaceutical code of ethics learning

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How to Cite
A Shafiee, H Farsam. Teaching and Learning Pharmaceutical Code of Ethics as a Syllabus. Iran J Public Health. 1;37(Supple 1):47-49.