Original Article

The Burden of Premature Mortality in Southern Iran during 2004-2019 Using Standard Expected Years of Life Lost: A Population-Based Study


Background: Traditionally, mortality rates are used to estimate public health problems and determine the relative significance of different causes of mortality, but they cannot necessarily determine the burden of premature death.  We aimed to investigate the 16-year trend of burden of premature mortality in Southern Iran.

Methods: In this cross-sectional study, all deaths due to various causes of death in Fars Province from the electronic population-based death registration system (EDRS) were obtained. Crude and age-standardized mortality rate, Years of Life Lost (YLL) and YLL rate data were calculated and to examine the trend, joinpoint regression was used.  

Results: During the study period, 281,903 deaths occurred, of which, 59.85% (n=168,735) occurred in men. Also, 42.18% of these deaths (n=118,610) occurred due to cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). The total number of YLLs due to premature death was 4,154,828 years. Of these, 2,591,564 years (62.37%) were in men. The highest number of YLL was due to CVDs, external causes of death and cancer. Trend of YLL rate due to premature mortality was decreasing: the annual percent change (APC) was -2.1% (95% CI -2.6 to -1.6, P<0.001) for males, -0.9% (95% CI -1.4 to -0.4, P=0.002) (P=0.002) for females.

Conclusion: Although the trend of premature death has been decreasing during the years of study, but the seven major causes of premature death in 2004 to 2019 were non-communicable diseases, especially ischemic heart diseases, stroke, external cause of morbidity, and cancer.  Furthermore, our findings indicate a change in the role of non-communicable diseases in premature mortality in recent years.

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IssueVol 52 No 10 (2023) QRcode
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DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/ijph.v52i10.13858
Years of life lost Premature death Mortality rate Join point regression Iran

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How to Cite
Mirahmadizadeh A, Hassanzadeh J, Janfada M, Azarbakhsh H. The Burden of Premature Mortality in Southern Iran during 2004-2019 Using Standard Expected Years of Life Lost: A Population-Based Study. Iran J Public Health. 2023;52(10):2196-2206.