Expanded Orientation of Urban Public Health Policy in the Climate Change Era: Response to and Prevention of Heat Wave in Paris and Seoul: A Brief Review
The policies of response to and prevention of heat waves in France in 2003 and in South Korea in 2018 were compared and reviewed to see how public health policy orientation was being expanded in connection with urban and social policies. The statistics of the patients with heat illness and resulted death in France in 2003 and South Korea in 2018 were analyzed. The results and limitations of the French and Korean responses to heat waves were compared and discussed. The heat wave in France in 2003 caused an excess death of 14,802. The 2018 heat wave in South Korea resulted in 4,526 cases of heat illness and 48 deaths. France’s National Heat wave Plan established in 2004 introduced the warning system and strengthened support for the vulnerable. The heat wave in South Korea in 2018 revealed the success and limitations of the national measures that have been gradually implemented since the mid-2000s. Both France and South Korea are making efforts in preventing heat illness and managing health risk through the warning systems, providing public and social support for the vulnerable, and expanding urban infrastructure. Paris puts priority on the long-term prevention of heat wave, in the wider context of climate change response, while Seoul shows a relatively strong point in immediate infrastructural expansion. In order to respond to the climate crisis and the following health risk, public health policies need to be contrived with deeper connection with urban social policies for sustainable development.
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Files | ||
Issue | Vol 51 No 7 (2022) | |
Section | Review Article(s) | |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.18502/ijph.v51i7.10080 | |
Keywords | ||
Public health Heat illness Heat wave Climate change Urban sustainable development |
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