Lipid Profile, Renal Function Tests and Inflammatory Markers in Algerian Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Background: Several studies show the relationship between chronic hyperglycemia and the appearance of macroangiopathy, microangiopathy and neuropathy. The major objective of this study was to investigate the serum lipids, renal function tests and inflammatory markersin type 2 diabetes patients.
Methods: The study lasted eight years between Feb-2013 and Mar-2021 (Mascara, Algeria). Overall,197 patients and 197 controls were selected during general medicine examinations;enzymatic and immunoturbidimetric colorimetric methods were used to determine the serum levels offasting glycaemia, total cholesterol, highdensity lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, fibrinogen, urea, acid uric, albumin and creatinine, C protein reactive; the glomerular filtration rate is calculated according to the MDRD equation; the glycatedhaemoglobin levels were determined by an ion-exchange resin separation method.
Results: Patients had 2.44 times higher fasting glycaemia, 1.71 times higher HbA1c, 1.23 times higher body mass index, 1.30 times higher waist circumference and 1.25times higher systolic blood pressure than control subjects; the findings of the present study also indicate that a significant differences between patients and controls were observed regarding triglycerides (P=0.008), LDL-cholesterol(P=0.011), HDL-cholesterol (P=0.009), urea (P=0.013), uric acid (P=0.015), creatinine (P=0.007), glomerular filtration rate (P=0.006), albumin (P=0.018),fibrinogen (P=0.023) and C protein reactive (P=0.019).
Conclusion: All this metabolic disordercould facilitate the appearance of serious complications in future.
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C-reactive protein Glomerular filtration rate Serum lipids Type 2 diabetes |
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