The Psychosocial Effects of Noise Level in Hydroelectric Power Plants on Employees
Background: This cross-sectional study was conducted to investigate the psychosocial effects of noise on employees in Hydroelectric Power Plants in Turkey.
Methods: The study was conducted in 2018, in operating Hydroelectric Power Plants located in the city of Artvin in Turkey with 110 employees. Data were collected by performing noise measurement, blood pressure measurement and using descriptive characteristics form and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale.
Results: The average personal noise of the sample was 72.3±0.8 dB(A). The blood pressure of the employees were within normal limits. There was no significant difference between the noise levels and the sub-dimensions of the scales used.
Conclusion: The measured mean noise of the sample was within normal limits as per the regulations regarding the protection of employees from noise. Measured BP means of employees during working and resting hours were within normal limits. DASS-42 subscale scores exhibited no difference depending on the noise level.
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Issue | Vol 51 No 12 (2022) | |
Section | Original Article(s) | |
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Depression anxiety stress scale Hydroelectric powerplant Noisea |
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