


The control of cigarette smoking can do more to improve health and prolong life than any other single action in the whole field of preventive medicine. Many smokers desire to stop but need instructions and support. Beside nicotine and carbon monoxide, there are a lot of carcion-genous materials in cigarettes. A positive relationship exists between cigarette smoking and lung cancer, bronchitis, emphysema, ischeamic heart disease, peptic ulcer and so on. Preventive measures should be planned along the following lines: - Not to smoke in factories while working - If to stop smoking is impossible, not to inhale, to decrease numbers and so on - The health education of children must stat early, teachers, parents and all health members should co-operate and at best not to smoke among children - Special training should be given to the adolescent not to start and if started not to continue smoking - The right of non-smokers should be emphasized and smoking must be prohibited in public places specially hospitals and health clinics
IssueVol 7 No 3 (1978) QRcode
Preventive medicine Nicotine

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How to Cite
Sh.Ahangari. SMOKING AND HEALTH. Iran J Public Health. 1;7(3):118-127.