Original Article

Construction and Application of a Three-Level Linkage System for the Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Sores in Geriatric Patients in the Henan Province, China


Background: To research effective prevention and treatment strategies for pressure sores in geriatric patients and examine the results from application of a three-level linkage system.

Methods: We developed and constructed a three-level linkage intervention system for pressure sores from Jun 2017 to Dec 2018, centered at the geriatrics department of the Ninth People's Hospital of Zhengzhou, China. The changes included improving the organization structure; formulating a unified evaluation system for quantitation of pressure sore risk management; formulating and standardizing the reporting/feedback mechanism; constructing and improving three-level linkage system staff training; and establishing a quality control system for process monitoring guidance and final evaluation feedback.

Results: The incidence of pressure sores significantly decreased, nursing staff’s knowledge level regarding pressure sore prevention and treatment increased, and pressure sore cure rate and care satisfaction increased.

Conclusion: Implementation of a three-level linkage intervention system for pressure sores in geriatric patients and standardizing pressure injury assessment helps achieve pressure sore prevention and early intervention, effectively reduces the occurrence of pressure sores in geriatric nursing homes, increases the cure rate, and improves care satisfaction among patients.


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IssueVol 51 No 6 (2022) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/ijph.v51i6.9673
Elderly Three-level linkage system Chronic refractory wounds Pressure sore

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How to Cite
Hu D, Ning J, Sun Y, Wang S, Jin N, Chen Y, Zhang N, Zuo X, Zhao L, Tian Y, Wang X, Xing Z, Wang C. Construction and Application of a Three-Level Linkage System for the Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Sores in Geriatric Patients in the Henan Province, China. Iran J Public Health. 2022;51(6):1295-1302.