Original Article

Evaluation of Our Rabies Prevention Practices: Is Our Approach Correct?


Background: Rabies disease is zoonotic disease-causing encephalitis and resulting in death. It is possible to prevent the disease with suitable prophylaxis approaches. This study examined the compliance of post-exposure prophylaxis approaches with the guidelines and the reasons for non-compliance in contact cases at risk of rabies.

Methods: This retrospective cross-sectional study includes patients who continued the vaccination program from 2014-2018 at the Ordu University Medical Faculty Hospital Rabies Vaccination Center in Ordu, Turkey. Cases were assessed in terms of sociodemographic features, previous rabies vaccination history, features of the contact with rabies risk, attendance duration after contact, and whether all stages of prophylaxis were completed after contact.

Results: Of the 748 cases attending the vaccination center, the age range was 1- 91 yr, with a mean age of 28.12 ± 21.60 yr. Of cases, 62.3% were male (n =466) and 37.7% were female (n =282). Of risky contact, 60% comprised stray animals. Of recorded cases, 55.2% displayed approaches compatible with guidelines. Among incompliant approaches, the most frequent was administering vaccines even though observation was sufficient. (n = 174, 52%).

Conclusion: Contact with risk of rabies may result in insufficient administration of the stages in prophylaxis after contact, or contrarily, mistaken administration based on acting with a sense of excessive safety. Stray dogs or domestic animals without sufficient vaccinations comprise a significant risk despite all efforts. In order to prevent risky contact, there is a need for the development of correct strategies and to ensure continuity of in-service training for health professionals.


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IssueVol 51 No 9 (2022) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/ijph.v51i9.10568
Rabies Postexposure prophylaxis Prophylaxis compliance Turkey

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How to Cite
Altunçekiç Yıldırım A, Doğan A, Kurt C, Çetinkol Y. Evaluation of Our Rabies Prevention Practices: Is Our Approach Correct?. Iran J Public Health. 2022;51(9):2128-2134.