Original Article

Vision-Related Quality of Life of Older People in Tehran and their Access and Utilization of Eye Care Services


Background: Access to and utilization of eye care services may improve vision-related quality of life (VRQoL) of older people. This study aimed to evaluate the VRQoL of older adults and its associations with access to and utilization of eye care services.

Methods: This is a community-based cross-sectional survey conducted in Tehran, Iran, on 566 older people in 2018. The NEI-25 VFQ was used to measure the VRQoL. Multilevel Linear Regression analysis used to test the study hypotheses.

Results: The average score of the VRQoL was 80 out of 100. About 61% of the participants did not utilize the annual routine eye examination and the mean score of overall access to eye care was 85 out of 115. Having a higher physical, socio-cultural and overall access were significantly associated with higher VRQoL, but those with regular utilization had no better VRQoL status compared to non-users.

Conclusion: Access to eye care services showed to be very important in improvement of the VRQoL, whereas higher utilization was not found to be associated with better VRQoL statue of older people, as there might have a reverse causality with using more eye services with higher Visual impairment.

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IssueVol 51 No 8 (2022) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/ijph.v51i8.10272
Visual function questionnaire Vision related quality of life Older people Eye care services

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How to Cite
Bigdeli S, Arab M, Hadian M, Tajvar M. Vision-Related Quality of Life of Older People in Tehran and their Access and Utilization of Eye Care Services. Iran J Public Health. 2022;51(8):1857-1865.