Polymeric Nanoparticles in Cancer Chemotherapy: A Narrative Review
Chemotherapy is a common treatment technique that uses chemical drugs to kill cancer cells. This technique affects normal healthy tissues being unspecific and has toxic adverse effects. Nowadays, nanotechnology applications in cancer chemotherapy have helped to solve the uncontrolled problems involving distribution of medicine particles and other side effects. Nanoparticles (NPs) can offer significant advantages over conventional drug delivery to have magnificent properties such as controlled mode of action, various methods of administration, and the ability to transport both organic/inorganic drug particles. Special ligands containing polymeric NPs preferentially hit the tumour site because of their chemical affinity to malignant tissues. This article, reviews the fabrication, characterization, and applications of NPs being used in chemotherapy. Furthermore, different forms of polymeric and especially polymeric chemotherapy were also explored and discussed to understand better the effects of NPs on cancer chemotherapy.
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Issue | Vol 51 No 2 (2022) | |
Section | Review Article(s) | |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.18502/ijph.v51i2.8677 | |
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Cancer therapy Chemotherapy Drug delivery Magnetic nanoparticles Polymeric nanoparticles |
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