The Effect of Motivation to Participate in Sport on Prosocial and Antisocial Behaviors in Individuals with Physical Disabilities
Background: This cross sectional study was conducted to analyse the level of motivation and prosocial as well as antisocial behaviors of the individuals with physical disabilities who do sports, to evaluate whether their moti-vational states were related with prosocial and antisocial behaviors, and to determine if the type of disability affect their motivation or prosocial and antisocial behaviors.Method: The research was conducted on 688 individuals who do sports and have physical disabilities in various regions of Turkey in 2020. Motivation Scale for Sports Participation of People with Disabilities (MSSPPD), Pro-social and Antisocial Behavior in Sport Scale (PABSS) were used as data collection tools in this research.
Results: Motivation to participate in sports level of the individuals with physical disabilities was quite high. Their prosocial behavior towards their teammates and opponents was high, while their antisocial behavior towards teammates and opponent team players was low. When subjects' motivations were examined according to the type of disability, motivation levels of individuals with orthopedic and visual disabilities were higher than those of individuals with hearing disabilities. Conclusion: As a result, individuals with disabilities need strong motivation to participate in sport programs and this improves them behaviourally. As their motivation for participation in sport increased, their pro social behaviors were positively affected, and their antisocial behaviors decrease.
1. LeMura LM, Maziekas MT (2002). Factors that alter body fat, body mass, and fat-free mass in pediatric obesity. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 34 (3): 487-96.
2. Akil M (2012). Effect of acute exercises ap-plied to sedentaries on various enzyme levels related to muscle damages. Afri J Microbiol Res, 6 (2): 284-287.
3. Dyer BT, Deans SA (2017). Swimming with limb absence: A systematic review. J Re-habil Assist Technol Eng, 4: 1-10.
4. Jobling A (2001). Life be in it: Lifestyle choices for active leisure. Down Syndr Res Pract, 6 (3): 117-22.
5. World Health Organization (2018). Global ac-tion plan on physical activity 2018-2030: More active people for a healthier world. Geneva: World Health Organization (WHO). Li-cense: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO. ISBN 978-92-4-151418-7.
6. Carlon S, Shields N, Dodd K, et al (2013). Differences in habitual physical activity levels of young people with cerebral palsy and their typically developing peers: A systematic review. Disabil Rehabil, 35(8):647-55.
7. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDS) (2013). CDC grand rounds: public health practices to include persons with disabilities. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep, 62 (34): 697-701.
8. Carroll DD, Courtney-Long EA, Stevens AC, et al (2014). Vital signs: disability and physical activity--United States, 2009-2012. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkliy Rep, 63 (18): 407-413.
9. Hodge K, Lonsda C (2011). Prosocial and antisocial behavior in sport: the role of coaching style, autonomous vs. con-trolled motivation, and moral disengage-ment. J Sport Exerc Psychol, 33: 527-47.
10. Boardley ID, Kavussanu M (2010). Effects of goal orientation and perceived value of toughness on antisocial behavior: The mediating role of moral disengagement. J Sport Exerc Psychol, 32(2): 176-92.
11. Weinstein N, Ryan RM (2010). When help-ing helps: Autonomous motivation for prosocial behavior and its influence on well-being for the helper and the recipi-ent. J Pers Soc Psychol, 98: 222-44.
12. Sage L, Kavussanu M, Duda JL (2006). Goal orientations and moral identity as predic-tors of prosocial and antisocial function-ing in male association football players. J Sports Sci, (24): 455-66.
13. Görgülü R, Adiloğulları GE, Tosun ÖM, et al (2018). The investigation of prosocial and antisocial behaviour and athlete iden-tity according to some variable. J Sports Per Res, 9 (3): 147-161.
14. Kavussanu M, Stanger N (2017). Moral be-havior in sport. Cur Opin Psyc, 16:185-192.
15. Kavussanu M, Al-Yaaribi A (2021). Prosocial and antisocial behaviour in sport. Int J Sport Exer Psy, 19 (2): 179-202
16. Cottingham M, Phillips DH, Hall SA, et al (2014). Application of the motivation scale for disability sport consumption: An Examination of Intended Future Consumption Behavior of Collegiate Wheelchair Basketball Spectators. J Sport Behav, 37 (2): 117-133.
17. Deans S, Burns D, McGarry A, et al (2012). Motivations and barriers to prosthesis users participation in physical activity, ex-ercise and sport: A review of the litera-ture. Prosthet Orthot Int, 36 (3): 260-9.
18. Skatteboe S, Roe C, Perrin PB, et al (2016). One-year trajectories of motivation and physical activity in persons with disabili-ties. J Rehabil Med, 48 (4): 371-7.
19. Stuntz CP, Weiss MR (2009). Achievement goal orientations and motivational out-comes in youth sport: The role of social orientations. Psychol Sport Exerc, 10: 255-262.
20. Boardley ID, Kavussanu M (2007). Devel-opment and validation of the Moral Dis-engagement in Sport Scale. J Sport Exerc Psychol, 29(5):608-28.
21. Tekkurşun DG, İlhan EL, Esentürk OK, et al (2017). Motivation scale for sports par-ticipation of people with disabilities (MSSPPD): A study of validity and relia-bility. Spormetre Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilim-leri Dergisi, 16 (1): 95-106.
22. Kavussanu M, Boardley ID (2009). The pro-social and antisocial behavior in sport scale. J Sport Exerc Psychol, 31(1):97-117.
23. Balçıkanlı SG (2013). The Turkish adaptation of the prosocial and antisocial behavior insport scale (PABSS). International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 3 (18): 271-276.
24. Wang CKJ, Biddle SJH (2001). Young peo-ple’s motivational profiles in physical ac-tivity: A cluster analysis. J Sport Exerc Psy-chol, 23: 1-22
25. Matsumoto H, Takenaka K (2004). Motiva-tional profiles and stages of exercise be-havior change. Int J Sport Health Sci, 2: 89-96
26. O’Neil L, Hodge K (2020). Commitment in sport: The role of coaching style and au-tonomous versus controlled motivation. J Appl Sport Psychol, 32 (6): 607-617.
27. Ntoumanis N, Barkoukis V, Thøgersen-Ntoumani C (2009). Developmental tra-jectories of motivation in physical educa-tion: Course, demographic differences, and antecedents. J Educ Psychol, 101 (3): 717-728.
28. Kondric M, Sindik J, Furjan-Mandic G, et al (2013). Participation motivation and stu-dent's physical activity among sport stu-dents in three countries. J Sports Sci Med, 12 (1): 10-8.
29. Sheehan RB, Herring MP, Campbell MJ (2018). Associations between motivation and mental health in sport: A test of the hierarchical model of intrinsic and extrin-sic motivation. Front Psychol, 9: 707.
30. O’Rourke DJ, Smith RE, Smoll FL, et al (2014). Relations of parent- and coach-initiated motivational climates to young athletes’ self-esteem, performance anxiety, and autonomous motivation: Who is more influential? J Appl Sport Psychol, 26 (4): 395-408.
31. Graupensperger S, Jensen CJ, Evans MB (2018). A meta-analytic review of studies using the prosocial and antisocial behav-ior in sport scale: Associations among in-tergroup moral behaviors. Sport Exercise and Performance Psychology, 7: 186-204.
32. Moeijes J, van Busschbach JT, Bosscher RJ, et al (2018). Sports participation and psy-chosocial health: A longitudinal observa-tional study in children. BMC Public Health, 18 (1): 702.
33. Al-Yaaribi A, Kavussanu M, Ring C (2018). The effects of prosocial and antisocial behaviors on emotion, attention, and performance during a competitive bas-ketball task. J Sport Exerc Psychol, 40: 303-311.
34. Al-Yaaribi A, Kavussanu M, Ring C (2016). Consequences of prosocial and antisocial behavior for the recipient. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 26: 102-112.
35. Al-Yaaribi A, Kavussanu M (2017). Team-mate prosocial and antisocial behaviors predict task cohesion and burnout: The mediating role of affect. J Sport Exerc Psy-chol, 39 (3): 199-208.
36. Al-Yaaribi A, Kavussanu M (2018). Conse-quences of prosocial and antisocial be-haviors in adolescent male soccer players: The moderating role of motivational cli-mate. Psychol Sport Exercise, 37: 91-99.
37. Benson AJ, Bruner MW (2018). How team-mate behaviors relate to athlete affect, cognition, and behaviors: A daily diary approach within youth sport. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 34: 119-127.
38. Netten AP, Rieffe C, Theunissen SC, et al (2015). Early identification: Language skills and social functioning in deaf and hard of hearing preschool children. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol, 79 (12): 2221-6.
39. Hao J, Wu C (2019). Deaf children's moral behavior, moral reasoning and emotion attribution. J Deaf Stud Deaf Educ, 24 (2): 95-103.
40. Peterson CC, O'Reilly K, Wellman HM (2016). Deaf and hearing children's de-velopment of theory of mind, peer popu-larity, and leadership during middle childhood. J Exp Child Psychol, 149: 146-58.
41. Demirturk F, Kaya M (2015). Physical educa-tion lessons and activity status of visually impaired and sighted adolescents. Med Sci Monit, 21: 3521-3527.
42. Bragaru M, Dekker R, Geertzen JH, et al (2011). Amputees and sports: A system-atic review. Sports Med, 41 (9): 721-40.
43. Bragaru M, van Wilgen CP, Geertzen JH, et al (2013). Barriers and facilitators of par-ticipation in sports: A qualitative study on Dutch individuals with lower limb ampu-tation. PloS One, 8 (3): e59881.
44. Kohda Y, Monma T, Yamane M, et al (2019). Mental health status and related factors among visually impaired athletes. J Clin Med Res, 11 (11): 729-739.
45. Di Cagno A, Iuliano E, Aquino G, et al (2013). Psychological well-being and so-cial participation assessment in visually impaired subjects playing Torball: A con-trolled study. Res Dev Disabil, 34 (4): 1204-9.
46. Bozkurt TM, Tekkurşun DG, Dursun M (2019). Examination of motivations of physically, hearing and visually impaired athletes. J Int Soc Res,12 (67):721-728.
2. Akil M (2012). Effect of acute exercises ap-plied to sedentaries on various enzyme levels related to muscle damages. Afri J Microbiol Res, 6 (2): 284-287.
3. Dyer BT, Deans SA (2017). Swimming with limb absence: A systematic review. J Re-habil Assist Technol Eng, 4: 1-10.
4. Jobling A (2001). Life be in it: Lifestyle choices for active leisure. Down Syndr Res Pract, 6 (3): 117-22.
5. World Health Organization (2018). Global ac-tion plan on physical activity 2018-2030: More active people for a healthier world. Geneva: World Health Organization (WHO). Li-cense: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO. ISBN 978-92-4-151418-7.
6. Carlon S, Shields N, Dodd K, et al (2013). Differences in habitual physical activity levels of young people with cerebral palsy and their typically developing peers: A systematic review. Disabil Rehabil, 35(8):647-55.
7. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDS) (2013). CDC grand rounds: public health practices to include persons with disabilities. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep, 62 (34): 697-701.
8. Carroll DD, Courtney-Long EA, Stevens AC, et al (2014). Vital signs: disability and physical activity--United States, 2009-2012. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkliy Rep, 63 (18): 407-413.
9. Hodge K, Lonsda C (2011). Prosocial and antisocial behavior in sport: the role of coaching style, autonomous vs. con-trolled motivation, and moral disengage-ment. J Sport Exerc Psychol, 33: 527-47.
10. Boardley ID, Kavussanu M (2010). Effects of goal orientation and perceived value of toughness on antisocial behavior: The mediating role of moral disengagement. J Sport Exerc Psychol, 32(2): 176-92.
11. Weinstein N, Ryan RM (2010). When help-ing helps: Autonomous motivation for prosocial behavior and its influence on well-being for the helper and the recipi-ent. J Pers Soc Psychol, 98: 222-44.
12. Sage L, Kavussanu M, Duda JL (2006). Goal orientations and moral identity as predic-tors of prosocial and antisocial function-ing in male association football players. J Sports Sci, (24): 455-66.
13. Görgülü R, Adiloğulları GE, Tosun ÖM, et al (2018). The investigation of prosocial and antisocial behaviour and athlete iden-tity according to some variable. J Sports Per Res, 9 (3): 147-161.
14. Kavussanu M, Stanger N (2017). Moral be-havior in sport. Cur Opin Psyc, 16:185-192.
15. Kavussanu M, Al-Yaaribi A (2021). Prosocial and antisocial behaviour in sport. Int J Sport Exer Psy, 19 (2): 179-202
16. Cottingham M, Phillips DH, Hall SA, et al (2014). Application of the motivation scale for disability sport consumption: An Examination of Intended Future Consumption Behavior of Collegiate Wheelchair Basketball Spectators. J Sport Behav, 37 (2): 117-133.
17. Deans S, Burns D, McGarry A, et al (2012). Motivations and barriers to prosthesis users participation in physical activity, ex-ercise and sport: A review of the litera-ture. Prosthet Orthot Int, 36 (3): 260-9.
18. Skatteboe S, Roe C, Perrin PB, et al (2016). One-year trajectories of motivation and physical activity in persons with disabili-ties. J Rehabil Med, 48 (4): 371-7.
19. Stuntz CP, Weiss MR (2009). Achievement goal orientations and motivational out-comes in youth sport: The role of social orientations. Psychol Sport Exerc, 10: 255-262.
20. Boardley ID, Kavussanu M (2007). Devel-opment and validation of the Moral Dis-engagement in Sport Scale. J Sport Exerc Psychol, 29(5):608-28.
21. Tekkurşun DG, İlhan EL, Esentürk OK, et al (2017). Motivation scale for sports par-ticipation of people with disabilities (MSSPPD): A study of validity and relia-bility. Spormetre Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilim-leri Dergisi, 16 (1): 95-106.
22. Kavussanu M, Boardley ID (2009). The pro-social and antisocial behavior in sport scale. J Sport Exerc Psychol, 31(1):97-117.
23. Balçıkanlı SG (2013). The Turkish adaptation of the prosocial and antisocial behavior insport scale (PABSS). International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 3 (18): 271-276.
24. Wang CKJ, Biddle SJH (2001). Young peo-ple’s motivational profiles in physical ac-tivity: A cluster analysis. J Sport Exerc Psy-chol, 23: 1-22
25. Matsumoto H, Takenaka K (2004). Motiva-tional profiles and stages of exercise be-havior change. Int J Sport Health Sci, 2: 89-96
26. O’Neil L, Hodge K (2020). Commitment in sport: The role of coaching style and au-tonomous versus controlled motivation. J Appl Sport Psychol, 32 (6): 607-617.
27. Ntoumanis N, Barkoukis V, Thøgersen-Ntoumani C (2009). Developmental tra-jectories of motivation in physical educa-tion: Course, demographic differences, and antecedents. J Educ Psychol, 101 (3): 717-728.
28. Kondric M, Sindik J, Furjan-Mandic G, et al (2013). Participation motivation and stu-dent's physical activity among sport stu-dents in three countries. J Sports Sci Med, 12 (1): 10-8.
29. Sheehan RB, Herring MP, Campbell MJ (2018). Associations between motivation and mental health in sport: A test of the hierarchical model of intrinsic and extrin-sic motivation. Front Psychol, 9: 707.
30. O’Rourke DJ, Smith RE, Smoll FL, et al (2014). Relations of parent- and coach-initiated motivational climates to young athletes’ self-esteem, performance anxiety, and autonomous motivation: Who is more influential? J Appl Sport Psychol, 26 (4): 395-408.
31. Graupensperger S, Jensen CJ, Evans MB (2018). A meta-analytic review of studies using the prosocial and antisocial behav-ior in sport scale: Associations among in-tergroup moral behaviors. Sport Exercise and Performance Psychology, 7: 186-204.
32. Moeijes J, van Busschbach JT, Bosscher RJ, et al (2018). Sports participation and psy-chosocial health: A longitudinal observa-tional study in children. BMC Public Health, 18 (1): 702.
33. Al-Yaaribi A, Kavussanu M, Ring C (2018). The effects of prosocial and antisocial behaviors on emotion, attention, and performance during a competitive bas-ketball task. J Sport Exerc Psychol, 40: 303-311.
34. Al-Yaaribi A, Kavussanu M, Ring C (2016). Consequences of prosocial and antisocial behavior for the recipient. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 26: 102-112.
35. Al-Yaaribi A, Kavussanu M (2017). Team-mate prosocial and antisocial behaviors predict task cohesion and burnout: The mediating role of affect. J Sport Exerc Psy-chol, 39 (3): 199-208.
36. Al-Yaaribi A, Kavussanu M (2018). Conse-quences of prosocial and antisocial be-haviors in adolescent male soccer players: The moderating role of motivational cli-mate. Psychol Sport Exercise, 37: 91-99.
37. Benson AJ, Bruner MW (2018). How team-mate behaviors relate to athlete affect, cognition, and behaviors: A daily diary approach within youth sport. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 34: 119-127.
38. Netten AP, Rieffe C, Theunissen SC, et al (2015). Early identification: Language skills and social functioning in deaf and hard of hearing preschool children. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol, 79 (12): 2221-6.
39. Hao J, Wu C (2019). Deaf children's moral behavior, moral reasoning and emotion attribution. J Deaf Stud Deaf Educ, 24 (2): 95-103.
40. Peterson CC, O'Reilly K, Wellman HM (2016). Deaf and hearing children's de-velopment of theory of mind, peer popu-larity, and leadership during middle childhood. J Exp Child Psychol, 149: 146-58.
41. Demirturk F, Kaya M (2015). Physical educa-tion lessons and activity status of visually impaired and sighted adolescents. Med Sci Monit, 21: 3521-3527.
42. Bragaru M, Dekker R, Geertzen JH, et al (2011). Amputees and sports: A system-atic review. Sports Med, 41 (9): 721-40.
43. Bragaru M, van Wilgen CP, Geertzen JH, et al (2013). Barriers and facilitators of par-ticipation in sports: A qualitative study on Dutch individuals with lower limb ampu-tation. PloS One, 8 (3): e59881.
44. Kohda Y, Monma T, Yamane M, et al (2019). Mental health status and related factors among visually impaired athletes. J Clin Med Res, 11 (11): 729-739.
45. Di Cagno A, Iuliano E, Aquino G, et al (2013). Psychological well-being and so-cial participation assessment in visually impaired subjects playing Torball: A con-trolled study. Res Dev Disabil, 34 (4): 1204-9.
46. Bozkurt TM, Tekkurşun DG, Dursun M (2019). Examination of motivations of physically, hearing and visually impaired athletes. J Int Soc Res,12 (67):721-728.
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Physical disabilities Motivation Behaviors |
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How to Cite
Top E, Akil M. The Effect of Motivation to Participate in Sport on Prosocial and Antisocial Behaviors in Individuals with Physical Disabilities. Iran J Public Health. 2021;50(11):2183-2190.