The Costs of Burn Victim Hospital Care around the World: A Systematic Review
Background: Burn injuries are very common and fire-related burns account for over 300,000 deaths per year globally. The costs of the treatment of these patients change around the world. The aim of the present study was to conduct a systematic literature review to identify the costs related to hospital stays of burn victims in countries with different Human Development Index (HDIs).
Methods: PubMed, CINAHL and BVIS databases were searched using the following terms: “burn,” treatment” and “costs”. The review included articles that presented cost studies or economic assessments of burn victims in which the costs were reported, and published between 2012 and 2019. The quality of the evidence was assessed using the Consensus on Health Economic Criteria. This review presents register in Prospero (CRD42019137580).
Results: The review included 19 economic studies conducted in 13 countries, most with a very high HDIs. Most studies estimated direct acute burn care costs through bottom-up costing and institutional data. Total hospital care costs ranged from US$ 10.58 to US$ 125,597.86 per patient, the cost of 1% of total body surface area burned ranged from US$ 2.65 to US$ 11,245.04, and the cost of hospital care per day, from US$ 24.23 to US$ 4,125.50.
Conclusion: The costs are high and show wide discrepancies among countries. Medical costs and other losses caused by fatal and non-fatal burn injuries differ considerably among demographic groups, care protocols, and country HDIs.
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Issue | Vol 50 No 5 (2021) | |
Section | Review Article(s) | |
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Burn Injury Burn units Cost and costs analysis Health care costs |
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