
Unusual Constellation of Anomalies in Maternal Diabetes Syndrome: Bifurcated Distal Phalanx of the Thumb, Cleft Lip, and Patent Ductus Ateriosus


Maternal hyperglycemia during early gestation is associated with an increased incidence of congenital anomalies. A case of mater­nal diabetes syndrome is presented here with a rare constellation of congenital anomalies, i.e., bifurcated distal pha­lanx of the thumb, patent ductus arteriosus and cleft lip.


IssueVol 37 No 4 (2008) QRcode
Maternal diabetes Congenital anomalies Bifurcated thumb

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How to Cite
Rad I, Afshar A. Unusual Constellation of Anomalies in Maternal Diabetes Syndrome: Bifurcated Distal Phalanx of the Thumb, Cleft Lip, and Patent Ductus Ateriosus. Iran J Public Health. 1;37(4):138-141.