Original Article

Design and Psychometrics of the Assessment Instrument for Innovation Capabilities of Medical Sciences Universities Using the Cube Model Approach


Background: To investigate any subject, a scholar needs a suitable instrument to collect the required information with the utmost accuracy and the least amount of error. Therefore, this study aimed at designing and conducting a psychometric analysis of an assessment instrument for innovation capabilities of Medical Sciences Universities using the Cube Model Approach.

Methods: This study began by searching in questionnaires in the fields of input and process, considering innovation outcomes. Accordingly, a preliminary questionnaire was developed, and in the second stage, to determine the validity of the designed instrument, the face validity, content validity, and construct validity of the instrument were approved, and in the third stage, using Cronbach's alpha, its reliability was assessed. At first 200 phrases were obtained, finally, 25 questions were initially approved in three areas of structure (input), innovation processes, and output. All the phrases were retained in the face validity and content validity carried out quantitatively and qualitatively.

Results: Exploratory Factor Analysis was performed on 25 items, and finally the terms were set in six factors. These factors explained 53.19% of the total variance. The rotated factor loading for all questions was obtained more than 0.3, and therefore, no questions were eliminated. Calculation of the Cronbach's alpha coefficient confirmed the high internal consistency of the questionnaire (0.762).

Conclusion: This instrument was designed for the first time in the context of Iranian academic culture and seems to be a suitable instrument for the assessment of innovation capabilities, considering its adequate validity and reliability, simplicity, and practicality.


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IssueVol 49 No 2 (2020) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/ijph.v49i2.3097
Instrument design; Psychometrics; Innovation; Assessment

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How to Cite
TORABI M, SAFDARI R, NEDJAT S, MOHAMMAD K, GOODARZI M, DARGAHI H. Design and Psychometrics of the Assessment Instrument for Innovation Capabilities of Medical Sciences Universities Using the Cube Model Approach. Iran J Public Health. 2020;49(2):323-331.