The Relationship between Norms and Risky Driving Behavior: A Systematic Review
Background: Road accident statistics has been seen increasing over the years despite numerous efforts made by the authorities. Human factors have contributed 90% of accident occurrence with risky driving behavior being one of the significant human factors that can be further explained through norms. This review paper aimed to investigate the relationship between norms and drivers’ risky driving behavior.
Methods: A systematic review process was conducted through four academic databases namely Scopus, Wiley Online Library, Emerald and Web of Science of no limitation for date. Overall, 3443 titles were identified and after several screening and reviewing processes, only 27 studies were included.
Results: The results of the review demonstrated mixed findings between subjective norm and risky driving behavior, whereas the relationship between group norm, moral norm, injunctive norm, descriptive norm and risky driving behavior were observed significant.
Conclusion: Appropriate educational awareness is required to educate the society in practicing good norms for mutual benefit of the society. Parents also need to set a good example for their children by abiding the traffic rules and regulation.
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Files | ||
Issue | Vol 49 No 2 (2020) | |
Section | Review Article(s) | |
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Keywords | ||
Subjective norm; Moral norm; Group norm; Injunctive norm; Descriptive norm |
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