Nutritional Intake and Chronicity Associated with the Old World Cutaneous Leishmaniasis: Role of Vitamin A
Background: Old world cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is known as a self-healing cutaneous parasitic infection. Host immunity has a fundamental role in the course of this infection. This study was designed to investigate the relationship between nutritional status and vitamin A intake with the clinical course of CL.
Methods: Overall, 250 patients with CL attending a dermatology clinic in Imam Reza Hospital Mashhad, Iran, were enrolled from Apr 2011 to Aug 2012. For data gathering, a semi-quantitative 302-item food frequency questionnaire was utilized. They received routine treatment protocols for leishmaniasis and 1 year of follow-up
Results: As for the 149 patients who completed the study, a deficiency of macro and micronutrients, particularly vitamin A, was significantly related to a chronic clinical disease course.
Conclusion: Imbalanced or insufficient nutritional intake including vitamin A deficiency, may influence the clinical course of CL.
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Issue | Vol 49 No 1 (2020) | |
Section | Short Communication(s) | |
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Cutaneous leishmaniasis Nutrition Vitamin A |
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