Intimate Partner Violence Victimization Influences Suicidal Ideation via Interpersonal Dependency and Anger
Background: Intimate partner violence is a serious global social problem. While intimate partner violence is highly prevalent, few studies have examined its negative outcomes among victims in South Korea. The aim was to clarify the mediating roles of interpersonal dependency and anger on the relationship between intimate partner violence victimization and suicidal ideation.
Methods: In this descriptive, cross-sectional study, 301 participants (203 women and 98 men) aged 18–65 yr completed an online questionnaire on a social networking site. Data were collected between Feb and Mar 2017 in South Korea. Structural equation modeling was used to test the fitness of the conceptual model of this study.
Results: We found significant correlations between intimate partner violence victimization, interpersonal dependency, state-trait anger, and suicidal ideation. Intimate partner violence victimization influenced anger and suicidal ideation only when the victims had high interpersonal dependency.
Conclusion: It is necessary to develop programs for reducing interpersonal dependency and improving anger management that are specifically targeted at intimate partner violence victims to prevent suicidal ideation.
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Interpersonal dependency State anger Trait anger Mediating effect |
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