Seroprevalence of Toxocara Infection in Association with Different Risk Factors among Children of 4-12 Years Old Referred to Some Medical Centers in Aras Free Zone, Northwest Iran
Background: Toxocariosis is a parasitic disease caused by the larval stage of Toxocara species from dog and cat. It has a worldwide distribution with higher prevalence in children. This study aimed to determine seroprevalence of Toxocara infection and its association with some risk factors among children of Aras Free Zone (Jolfa City) in Northwest of Iran.
Methods: Sera were collected from 514 children aged 4–12 yr old attending to some medical centers in the study area from May 2018 to Feb 2019. Anti-Toxocara IgG antibodies assay was performed using commercial ELISA kit (Nova Tec, Germany). The seropositivity rate was determined and its association with different demographic criteria and risk factors were statistically analyzed.
Results: The overall seroprevalence was 2.3% (12/514). Risk factors of children’s age group and contact with either pet animals (dog and cat) and/or soil were significantly associated with seropositivity. However, there was not any relationship between Toxocara infection and gender of children, place of residency (urban or rural) and their mothers’ education level.
Conclusion: Both girls and boys are at risk of Toxocara infection in the study area. Younger age of childhood and contact with sources of infection were important associated factors. More probably, additional criteria are involved in the initiation of infection.
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Issue | Vol 49 No 7 (2020) | |
Section | Original Article(s) | |
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PMCID | PMC7548479 | |
PMID | 33083297 | |
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Seroprevalence; Toxocariosis; Risk-factors; Children; Iran |
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