Original Article

Development of Body Mass Index Growth Standard Chart for Chinese Preschool Children


Background: We aimed to establish a reference standard of Body Mass Index (BMI) for the growth of preschool children in China.

Methods: We monitored and obtained the height and weight of 50702 children aged 3-6 yr in 31 provinces in mainland China in 2014. The reference standard and percentile curve of BMI preschool children aged 3-6 yr old were formulated by using Lambda-Median-Sigma (LMS) method in China.

Results: The common grounds of the male and female children were as follows: the percentile maps were similar in shape; the graphs of children aged 4-6 were approximately horn shaped. The differences between male and female children were as follows: the BMI values of male children in the same age group and the same percentile were higher than those of the female children. The change pattern of male children was larger than that of female children. BMI of 3 yr old and 6 yr old children was larger than those of 4 yr old and 5 yr old. During the change from low percentile to high percentile, the BMI values of Chinese male children exceeded WHO to a larger extent, and the BMI values of Chinese female children were substantially consistent with WHO, but the high percentile greater than P95 exceeded WHO.

Conclusion: The BMI growth chart developed can be applied in monitoring the growth and nutrition of preschool children in China. We recommend the promotion of the results in the field of preventive health care.



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IssueVol 48 No 9 (2019) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/ijph.v48i9.3021
Preschool children Lambda-median-sigma method Body mass index Growth chart Growth standards China

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How to Cite
TU C, JIANG C, ZHANG S, ZHANG Y-F, CAI R, WU D, WANG H, HAN X, XU B. Development of Body Mass Index Growth Standard Chart for Chinese Preschool Children. Iran J Public Health. 2019;48(9):1617-1626.