Review Article

A Half-Century Studies on Epidemiological Features of Ancylostomiasis in China: A Review Article


Background: Ancylostomiasis is a prevalent and global parasitic disease, including China. A systematic review is significant to understand the epidemiological features of hookworm and provide guidance for prevention and treatment.

Methods: We systematically searched academic databases and assessed 944 papers published from1955-2015 to establish the comprehensive analysis of prevalence of hookworm disease in China. We searched Chinese databases, including CNKI, Wanfang and VIP, for literature with the subject word "Ancylostomiasis and hookworm". The data were analyzed with SPSS 19.0 software using Spearman correlation analysis. Results were statistically significant for a P-value of <0.01.

Results: The search yielded 532,151 cases from epidemiological investigation and 7294 cases based on hospital diagnosis. Hookworm infection was highest (15.83%) in Fujian province, with high rates also found in East China, Southwest China, Central China and Southern China and lower rates in Northwest China, North China and Northeast China. In terms of occupation, farmers had the highest proportion of infections (72.54%). There was no correlation between epidemiological investigations and hospital-diagnosed cases. However, there was significant positive correlation between hospital-diagnosed cases and misdiagnosed cases. The proportion of hospital-misdiagnosed cases was 32.80%.

Conclusion: Ancylostomiasis is a serious public health problem that negatively influences health and hinders socioeconomic development. Positive measures are required by both health services and individuals to prevent and control hookworm disease.



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Hookworm Epidemiological features Hospital cases Misdiagnosis

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LI R, GAO J, GAO L, LU Y. A Half-Century Studies on Epidemiological Features of Ancylostomiasis in China: A Review Article. Iran J Public Health. 2019;48(9):1555-1565.