Changes in the Paradigm of Traditional Exercise in Obesity Therapy and Application of a New Exercise Modality: A Narrative Review Article
Background: Obesity is recognized as an important global health problem that increases the risk of all-cause death. It is a major risk factor for various cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.
Methods: We conducted this review through searching the related literature plus internet links.
Results: Recently, many researchers have been applying various efficient alternative exercise paradigms for treating obesity, such as high-intensity interval training, whole-body vibration training, and hypoxic therapy. Compared with moderate-intensity continuous training, high-intensity interval training involves a shorter exercise time but higher energy expenditure and excess post-exercise oxygen consumption via a higher exercise intensity and is effective for treating obesity. Whole-body vibration training effectively reduces the rate of fat production and accumulation through passive vibration of the whole body and improving the body composition, muscle function, and cardiovascular function of the obese population. Hypoxic therapy has been reported to improve obesity and obesity-related diseases through appetite loss, reduced dietary intake, increased energy consumption, improved glycogen storage and fatty acid oxidation, angiogenesis and left ventricle remodeling, decreased mechanical load, and reduced sarcopenia progression due to aging.
Conclusion: The new therapeutic exercise modalities, namely, high-intensity interval training, whole-body vibration training, and hypoxic therapy, are practical, useful, and effective for improving obesity and various metabolic and cardiovascular diseases induced by obesity.
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Issue | Vol 48 No 8 (2019) | |
Section | Review Article(s) | |
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Obesity High-intensity interval training Whole-body vibration training Hypoxic therapy |
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