Human Risk Due to Radon and Heavy Metals in Soil
Background: We investigated the human risk due to radon and heavy metals (HM) in soil.
Methods: Samples were collected in 2017 from 10 representative geographical locations at Jazan region of southwestern Saudi Arabia and analyzed for elements (Al, Ca, Cu, Ni, Sr Fe, Mg, B, Co, Cr, V, Zn, Mn, Ba, Cd, and Pb). Elements were measured using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES). Radon (Rn) was measured using solid-state nuclear detector (SSNTDs).
Results: The maximum human risk was due to Al, which had the highest concentration, where the lowest human risk was due to Cd. The maximum radon concentration was obtained at El-Mazab area with value of 381.05 Bq/m3which leads to 6.55 mSv/y and 78.94 Bq/m2d annual effective doses and radon exhalant rate respectively. Average equivalent and effective dose to different organs due to radon concentration was estimated. Hazard Index due to both carcinogenic and non-cancer hazards were calculated it exceeds permissible level for child due to Nickel and Chromium hence there is a significant risk on children in the study area.
Conclusion: HM concentrations were over limits in some places according to the human activities, municipal waste disposal, fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture. In addition, soil is porous permit dispersion of radon to the atmosphere.
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Issue | Vol 50 No 8 (2021) | |
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Radon Heavy metal Risk Inductively coupled plasma |
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