The Effect of Parenting Attitude on the Life Satisfaction of Early Adolescents and Their Parents: A Multi-Group Path Analysis through Ego-Resilience
Background: This study aimed to identify the effects of parenting attitude on life satisfaction and to analyze difference according to household income level.
Methods: Data from 1977 adolescents participating in Korean Children and Adolescents Panel Survey V (2013) was analyzed. As a method of analysis, multi-group path analysis was performed.
Results: Positive parenting attitude had a significant influence on both resilience and life satisfaction for adolescents, while it only influenced life satisfaction for parents. The effects of parenting attitude on life satisfaction of early adolescents were not different according to income level; life satisfaction of parents was different according to income level. Further, positive parenting attitude had a significant effect on life satisfaction of parents when they have lower income than average.
Conclusion: Positive parenting has an effect on the psychological security of early adolescents, and the higher adolescents perceive their parents’ supports, the higher their life satisfaction is. Therefore, parenting attitude should be considered fully in the development of nursing interventions, in which physical and psychological approach to adolescents is important.
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Issue | Vol 48 No 3 (2019) | |
Section | Original Article(s) | |
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Parenting attitude Life satisfaction Ego-resilience Early adolescents |
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