Original Article

Psychological Endurance, Anxiety, and Coping Style among Journalists Engaged in Emergency Events: Evidence from China


Background: During reports of emergency events, journalists experience psychological crisis and negative emotions aroused by the events. The psychological endurance of journalists, which is induced by high risks of the career, has attracted widespread attention. Emotional state and coping style are important factors that influence the psychological endurance of individuals. This study aimed to analyze the relationship of psychological endurance with anxiety and coping style among journalists engaged in emergency events.

Methods: A total of 296 journalists in Hubei Province of China who participated in reports on emergency events from August to December 2017 were selected. Journalists were assessed using the Psychological Endurance Scale, Self-rating Anxiety Scale, and Simple Coping Style Questionnaire.

Results: The total score of the psychological endurance of journalists engaged in emergency events is slightly lower than that of the Chinese norm. Score of anxiety of highly educated journalists is significantly higher than that of lowly educated journalists. Psychological endurance of journalists is negatively correlated with negative coping style and anxiety, but it is positively correlated with positive coping style. Positive coping style of journalists engaged in emergency events partially mediates the effects of psychological endurance on anxiety.

Conclusion: Among journalists engaged in emergency events, the highly educated group presents obvious anxiety and negative coping style. Psychological endurance indirectly affects through positive coping style and directly affects anxiety of journalists.




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IssueVol 48 No 1 (2019) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/ijph.v48i1.787
Emergency events Journalists Psychological endurance Anxiety Coping style

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How to Cite
WANG L, KANG C, YIN Z, SU F. Psychological Endurance, Anxiety, and Coping Style among Journalists Engaged in Emergency Events: Evidence from China. Iran J Public Health. 2019;48(1):95-102.